Tips for Football Mouthguard Maintenance

Battle Speed Freak mouthguard

One of the most essential yet underrated pieces of equipment is the football mouthguard. Mouthguards are essential for protecting against the constant impact that happens over the course of a football game. Without the right mouthpiece, teeth can clatter together, and there is a greater chance of suffering a concussion.

Whether you have a braces mouthguard or a custom mouthguard, there are a few basic maintenance tips when it comes to caring for your mouthguards. Keep your football mouthguard in good shape by implementing these cleaning and maintenance tips.


Clean after each use

Cleaning your mouthguard might seem like a hassle but it is hugely important to do so. If you spend just a few minutes per day cleaning your mouthguard, you will ensure that it is not only clean but comfortable and sanitary to use. There is no telling how many germs get transferred, especially in a braces mouthguard.

Just make sure that you aren’t using hot water because it could potentially alter the shape of the mouthguard. Exposure to high temperatures, especially when left in direct sunlight, can have the same impact, resulting in the need for a new mouthguard before long.

Use cool water to rinse the mouthguard out thoroughly and then let it air dry. The process is quick, simple, and effective, ensuring that you have a clean mouthguard to use whenever you need it.

Check out the Battle Oxygen lip protector mouthguard today.

mouthguard with connected strap

Never leave it laying around

Though it might not seem like a big deal to do so, leaving mouthguards out is the fastest way to ruin them. Why pay for something like a custom mouthguard only to see it reduced to disfigured plastic because you didn’t care for it properly?

When not using a football mouthpiece, it needs to be stored away properly. If you take your mouthpiece with you to practice or games, keep it in your gym bag but do so in a case. The last thing you want is for your football mouthpiece to mingle with your sweaty socks, jock strap, and all of the other soiled gear that makes up your bag.

Check out the Battle speed football mouthguard with a connected thick strap.

binky diamond oxygen mouthguard

Have the right container

So, we know that you need to be storing your mouthguard whenever it is not in use. But don’t just throw it into a plastic bag or some other lackluster casing. Make sure that you have the proper storage in order to keep it safe and prevent potential damage from being incurred.

The best type of case should allow for proper air circulation. This will keep your mouthguard dry and keep it from developing more bacteria than you would otherwise find. The case must also be rigid enough to hold up against being in an equipment bag so that it doesn’t twist, scrunch, or change shape as a result.

Check out the Battle Binky diamond oxygen football mouthguard today.

slim grillz mouthguard

Deep clean once per week

Rinsing your mouthguard after each use is a good place to start but that isn’t enough cleanliness. At least once per week, you should be giving your mouthguard a good, deep clean. There are millions of germs in our mouths and a quick rinse isn’t going to get rid of all of them.

The best thing about a deep clean is that you don’t really need to put much effort into getting the job done. Just put your mouthguard in a bowl of an antibacterial solution – a mouthwash like Listerine is perfectly fine – and let it soak for a while. This will kill all of the excess germs and ensure that you aren’t introducing something harmful to your mouth on a regular basis.

Check out the Battle ultra-slim grillz mouthguard in a variety of different styles today.

fangs mouthguards 2-pack

Change out your mouthguard once per season

Mouthguards are not meant to last a lifetime. They are little pieces of plastic molded to fit your mouth and that sizing changes with each passing year. Pressure from your teeth and the transition from wet to dry and back will wear your mouthguard down over time. That’s not even mentioning all of the players who chew on their mouthguards over the course of a season.

If you notice minimal wear and tear on your mouthguard, you may be able to get a second season out of it. That said, the safest bet is to just replace it after each season. This way, you can ensure that your mouth and teeth are fully protected without any compromise to the mouthguard itself.

Continuing to wear the same mouthguard is not only unsafe but can potentially irritate your teeth and gums. Play it safe and replace your mouthguard before the start of the next season.

Check out the Battle “Fangs” football mouthguard 2-pack for the upcoming season.