Football Shoulder Pad Sizing: How to Measure

Football Shoulder Pad Sizing

Unless you’re playing two-hand touch, football is a full-contact sport. That’s why quality protective gear is a must.

Shoulder pads are among the most imperative defensive equipment. Their job? Take the brunt of direct impacts and disperse them across a wide area. And despite the name, they’ll also help safeguard your sternum and collarbone.1

So, with your safety in mind, let’s huddle up and discuss sizing, how to measure your shoulders, how to pick the right shoulder pads, and why the perfect fit is so important.

Sizing shoulder pads

Understanding the Football Shoulder Pad Sizing Chart

Clothes shopping can be frustrating: one medium shirt fits like a glove, but another might as well be a large. Just like a quarterback deking a tackle, we’ll help you avoid that issue with your pads.

Interpreting Key Measurements

Prioritize shoulder width first. Measure from one acromioclavicular (AC) joint to the other. That’s the point where your shoulder and clavicle connect and should be right above your armpit.2

Football players tend to fill out, meaning weight counts too. The bigger you are, the more you’ll want to size up.

Size Categories and Measurements

Here’s a breakdown of youth football shoulder pads and adult sizes, accounting for AC measurements and weight.


  • Small: 13-14 inches, ~60 lbs
  • Medium: 14-15 inches, ~75 lbs
  • Large: 15-16 inches, ~90 lbs
  • XLarge: 16-17 inches, ~110 lbs


  • Small: 17-18 inches, ~130 lbs
  • Medium: 18-19 inches, ~150 lbs
  • Large: 19-20 inches, ~170 lbs
  • XLarge: 20-21 inches, 190+ lbs

How to Measure for Football Shoulder Pads

Game time is around the corner! Let’s break out the measuring tape and scale and learn how to measure for football shoulder pads.

Step 1: Measure Shoulder Width (AC Joint to AC Joint)

As mentioned, measuring your AC joint width is a surefire way to start. Remember, each AC joint lies on the top portion of your shoulder as viewed from the outside, near your neck.

Grab a flexible tape measure—like the kind tailors use—to check your shoulder width. Have someone lay the tape across your back, and round up by half an inch if necessary.2

Step 2: Determine Weight for Accurate Sizing

If two players have similar AC widths but different weights, should they use the same size of shoulder pads?

They can, but the heavier player can also opt for a larger size. AC width doesn’t necessarily account for bulk, and the last thing you want is a tight fit (more on that in a bit).

If you’re between ranges, go smaller. Even NFL players are trending toward sleeker shoulder pads.3 But of course, always listen to your body.

Checking Fit After Sizing

The right size is only right once you try it on. Try these tips on for size to check for a proper fit:

  • Confirm coverage – Ensure your pads completely cover your chest, shoulders, collarbone, and upper back. No gaps!
  • Adjust straps – A snug fit is a correct fit—but they shouldn’t be uncomfortably snug.
  • Move around – All positions that deal with the ball directly should be able to freely pivot their arms.

If you slip your shoulder pads on and they meet this criteria, congratulations—you’ve likely found a perfect fit!

How to Get the Smell Out of Football Shoulder Pads

Signs Your Shoulder Pads Are the Right Size

Want to be 110% sure your shoulder pads are your shoulder pads? Take a look at some final checks you can do, as well as indicators that it’s time to switch.

Key Indicators of a Good Fit

Shoulder pads should move with your shoulders, not against or around them. Lift your arms and don’t feel the pads moving? Perfect.

They should also embrace your shoulders and chest like a hug—but not a bear hug. Choose form-fitting over form-crushing.

Red Flags of a Poor Fit

While your shoulder pads shouldn’t leave gaps, they also shouldn’t pinch or clamp down on you. Too tight isn’t right.

Pretend you’re on the field (without actually decking anyone). If your pads are slipping and sliding, they’ll only hinder you in a real game.

Why Correct Shoulder Pad Sizing Is Essential

Finally, let’s hammer home why well-fitted shoulder pads make all the difference.

Safety and Protection

Shoulder pads help brace you against even the toughest opponents. They keep all the body parts they cover from jostling around and spread the force of every hit outward.

Without pads, the force of repeated tackles can lead to injuries like4:

  • Dislocations
  • Fractures
  • Contusions

Too tight pads can also be a problem. That’s because they can press on your chest and constrict your lungs.5 That makes it harder to breathe—potentially leading to longer recovery periods and more bench-warming.

Pads that are too tight also restrict airflow, leaving you with some smelly football gear. Learn effective tips on how to get the smell out of football shoulder pads to keep your gear fresh and game-ready.

Optimal Performance and Comfort

According to the University of Windsor’s Department of Kinesiology, well-fitted shoulder pads make a major difference when it comes to mobility.6 When they’re too tight or too loose, your range of motion is actually restricted.

It goes to show that “more agile” players may simply have better-fitting equipment. Ability counts, of course, but poorly sized shoulder pads can easily cut a Hail Mary down to a screen pass.

There’s also discomfort to consider. If you feel bound or pinched by your shoulder pads—or if they bounce around every time you move—they’ll slow you down.

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Optimal Protection + Fresh Fit = Battle Sports

Battle Sports doesn’t believe in slowing down.

Our shoulder pads are made to fit and boast unparalleled football drip. After all, confidence in your equipment and confidence in your look makes for confidence in your game. So, stick with Battle Sports for the best football shoulder pads, back plates, and other football gear. Regardless of your position, we’re on your team.

Reach out today for gear, questions, and everything football. We’ll be waiting at the line of scrimmage.


  1. Helmet Fitting. All About Shoulder Pads: Factors For Fitting Shoulders Pads and More.
  2. Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Football Equipment Fitting.
  3. The New York Times. Shoulder Pads Slim Down in Faster, Sleeker N.F.L.
  4. OrthoNC. Play Smart: Proper Protective Equipment for Football.
  5. Journal of Sports and Science Medicine. The Effect of Football Shoulder Pads on Pulmonary Function.
  6. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science. Quantifying the Effects of American Football Shoulder Pads on Reach Distance and Player Perception of Comfort and Fit.
  7. Academy Sports + Outdoors. Football Shoulder Pads Sizing Guide and More.
  8. Stowell Orthopedics of Coeur d’Alene. AC Joint Shoulder Separation.
  9. UpToDate. Patient education: Acromioclavicular joint injury (shoulder separation) (Beyond the Basics).